Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Can’t Get Your Mind Off Your Ex? Here’s What to Do

It’s a Wensday and you’re  at work or home alone in your PJs, polishing off a bottle of pinot grigio. You miss your ex so badly your chest aches and your stomach is in knots.

You try your best to get your mind off of him, but before you know it, you’re on Facebook, scrolling through his new pictures and wondering who that mysterious blonde is that he’s got his arm around...

You know you shouldn’t contact him, but in a moment of weakness you grab your phone and text him, “I miss you…Do you miss me?”... SEND. Too late to turn back now…

An hour passes without a reply and you feel foolish and even more alone. Why do you keep reaching out to him when it only makes it harder on you?

Can’t Get Your Mind Off Your Ex? Here’s What to Do

No matter how much you try to hold it together, you’re irrational, temperamental and impulsive. You’re like a heroin addict craving your next fix.

Actually, although that sounds dramatic, it’s not so far from the truth…

Recent research suggests that there may be a psychological basis to your “cravings” for an ex.

Get ready to have your mind blown…

Dr. Lucy Brown, a professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, used MRI imaging to record the brain activity of adults who had experienced an unwanted breakup and reported still feeling love for their ex.

When they were shown photographs of their former partners, there was significant activity in the same areas of the brain as in drug addiction.

In other words, the craving you experience for your ex is similar to the way an addict craves a drug they are withdrawing from, which can lead to intense distress and physical as well as psychological pain. And of course, bad decisions that just push him further away from you.

So what does this all mean for you?

If you rely on your instincts right now, there’s simply no way you can expectto be in the strong, clear-headed, empowered state to win your ex back.

You are bound to behave in ways that freak him out and inadvertently push him further and further away, likely into the arms of another woman.

But the good news is you don’t have to do this on your own and risk losing him forever.

Request  A Bring back my ex spell that will take you from Point A: broken up and brokenhearted, to Point B: back together in the arms of your man and more crazy in love than ever before...

Call or WhatsApp+27617448985  

Power Spells that are going to instantly stop him from pulling away and get him running back to you

If you’re going through a breakup and you want your ex back, this could be one of the most important blog you ever read.

Today I’m going to give you 3 Power  SPELLS that are going to instantly stop him from pulling away and get him running back to you. These work like magic, but before I share them, we have to talk about the elephant in the room…

…And that’s your behavior.

In the throes of your breakup, in your darkest moments, you are acting in ways that are accidentally pushing him further away, and I want to help you overcome this.

Here’s the problem, and before we dig in, I want you to know two things:
  1. You are not alone in the behaviors we’re about to talk about – EVERY woman goes through these after a breakup
  2. These behaviors are in no way your fault. They are critical human reactions to highly emotional situations that it just so happens will push your ex further and further away from you
So with that said, let’s talk about this big problem...

You see, during and after a breakup, your natural tendency is to go into what I call “Reflex Response Mode,” where you are rapidly cycling through a range of emotions. You go from shock and disbelief, to anger, denial, rebellion, bargaining, sadness, acceptance…

…to relapse where you beg and cry “I can’t do this,” “the dark phase” where you can’t stand to hear a love song on the radio or watch a romantic movie and you wear dark nail polish…

…to cynicism, where you swear off men entirely, to depression.

In Reflex Response Mode, every emotion is a trigger for an impulsive or even reckless action.

Actions such as these:
  1. You call him non-stop and plead with him to get back together - trying desperately to convince him why he's making a huge mistake.
  2.  You text him at every opportunity because you want the validation that he will still text you back.
  3. When you know he's going out, you call and text him relentlessly because you want to make sure he’s on his best behavior.
  4. You beg for him to come back and try to convince him how right you are for each other.
  5. In a desperate attempt to make him jealous, you post pictures of random guys on your Instagram or Facebook, which only ends up turning him off.
  6. You try to distract yourself from the pain by drinking, smoking, partying, overeating, or having sex with other men – all things that end up hurting you more and causing an even bigger rift between you and your ex.
  7. At the same time, in your depression, you stop doing the things that make your life better, like working out, eating right, spending time with friends, and meeting new people. 
When you’re in Reflex Response Mode, you are so overtaken by emotion that you lose your reasoning power. And when you lose your reasoning power, you resort to emotional manipulation – crying, getting angry, begging and pleading – all things that ignite a reaction in him to shut down and pull away from you.

So what can you do to stop this?

You need to switch from Reflex Response Mode into what I call High Value Response Mode.

Request the Bring Back My ex Spell and all your life will come back to normal

In High Value Response mode, you still go through the same emotions like shock, anger, disbelief and sadness, but you are in your strongest frame so you respond from the most rational, empowered place.

Whether he admits it or not, your ex is full of doubts, so when he sees you being strong and amazing, it will make him reconsider ever wanting to break up with you.

Bring back my ex spell is specifically casted to get yourself into High Value Response Mode so you can stop him from pulling away and start getting him running back to you, and I’m going to share 3 of them with you today…

Bring Him Back #1: Live An Amazing Life 

A woman in High Value Response Mode lives a life that her man will desperately want to be a part of…and that makes her ridiculously happy too. I’m talking about getting back to the types of things that make you the amazing, unique woman you are. Those things that made him so attracted to you in the first place.

I always say, “You don’t go to a relationship to get a life, you go to a relationship to share one.”

Think about the things you want from a man: someone who is constantly expanding his horizons, growing, and exposing you to interesting new things. Well he wants those same things from you too.

When you start living an amazing life, three things will quickly happen:
  1. You’ll feel happiness and joy return to your life which will help you avoid those dangerous Reflex Responses we talked about before
  2. He will notice that you are getting stronger which will make him more attracted to you
  3. He’ll want to become a part of this awesome new life you have
Now this doesn’t mean you have to pretend like everything is great and not grieve the breakup. It doesn’t even matter if he sees that you’re grieving. When he notices you growing and changing, making the best out of the breakup, he will become insanely attracted to your strength.

And when you two do get back together, having your own amazing life will give you so much to bring to the relationship, which will ensure you two stay together forever.

LOVE PORTION #2: Kill Him With Kindness… And LOVE

In everything she says and does, a woman in High Value Response Mode acts out of love.

When you choose love over anger, jealousy, or manipulation during this difficult time, you regain your position in his mind as the perfect woman.

The interesting thing is, the more he is up to behind the scenes like going out with his friends or seeing other women, the deeper your love will hit him. He'll end up thinking you are the most incredible human being in the world and that he can't lose you.

And there is an important distinction here…

You are not INVESTING love, you are giving it freely in the moments you speak with him. Investing love implies wanting something back, so the moment you don't get the reaction you want you will get angry or upset.

Giving love freely has nothing to do with what you get back. You are simply acknowledging that you love and care about him and though he has hurt you, your love for him rises above anything else.

Again, this doesn't mean you keep contacting him with loving messages, it just means that when you are in touch and you CHOOSE to respond, every message you send either by phone call, text or in person should be from a place of love and kindness.

Love and kindness are two of your most powerful assets because they are the two that he’s least likely to find in his single life. It's a way of playing to the strengths of your position.

One thing I just want to be clear on: Don’t confuse love and kindness with becoming his personal assistant. You are not to look after him when he’s sick and make him homemade chicken soup, or pick up his dry cleaning for him. You need to maintain your standard – don’t do things for him you would have done in the relationship. Let him miss these things because he doesn’t have you anymore.

By the way, you may think that if you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll start seeing other people. Not to worry. From a male psychology perspective, any comparison he will make when dating other women in the early stages is likely to work in your favor. These new women can't compete with the deeper connection he has with you, and any time he spends with them he’ll be feeling "it's not the same."

But, you may ask, “What if he left me for someone else and isn't single anymore? Isn’t he getting his needs met in his new relationship?”

If this is the case, doing all of the things I'm telling you will still have the same effect. Do you think the person he is with now is showing him this kind of love and kindness? Or is the drama she’s giving him compared with the soothing and beautiful connection he has with you making him realize even more intensely that what he had with you was so special?

By the way, you may be nervous that you can't compete with all the women he could be meeting now that he's single. What if they are better looking, thinner, younger?

Always remember that you still hold the keys to the greatest assets that he can't get elsewhere: Love, Kindness, and a connection with you, the one person who knows him and can understand who he truly is.

Worried you’re getting this wrong?    


Call or WhatsApp:+27617448985

Request the spell Now

MEND A BROKEN HEART #3: Follow a Plan, Not Your Emotions

This is the most important one of all.

Reflex Response Mode is all about letting your emotions lead wherever they may take you, which is almost always to a bad place.

On the other hand, High Value Response Mode is all about having a plan to get you exactly where you want to end up: Back together with the man you love.

You’ll still feel all the emotions that we all go through during a breakup. You just won’t let those emotions destroy your chances of getting him back.

When you have a clear plan to follow, nothing can take you off that path. You always have a compass to guide you, so you don’t even have to think about what to do next. You just follow your plan right back into his arms.

I’m going to hand you that 5 Step Plan today. It’s called “Get Him Running Back to you,” and it outlines the exact techniques that will flip a switch deep inside him and trigger the unstoppable desire that will have him begging to be back with you forever.

So get off the emotional roller coaster of Reflex Response Mode and get on the High Value path to a relationship that is happier, more passionate, more committed and more secure than ever before.

Yes, Dr.Majangwa, Me The Spellto Get Him Back Now

Visit My Website  ||   Send me your Inquiry Now  || Call or WhatsApp:+27617448985

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

My Life is back and am happy after Dr.Brought back my husband

I was hurt and depressed when Adam left me i never blamed him much because he couldn't stand being with me since I had no child , I really tried my best with my gynecologist he everything was fine he never saw anything wrong with me I waited for years some times I could miss my days and thought that may be this time I did conceive but it wasn't I really lost hope in my life . 

I told my husband to bring his son the one he had with his Ex before me , we stayed with this son I loved this son so much because now he was all I had but still there was a gap in me and mostly my man Adam used to always ask me what was the problem as to why I could not conceive but I had no answer for sure. Time came that him and the mother of the son started meeting again and ended up together leaving me alone .
 I did believe we ware meant to be but I couldn't tell how and when. I tried a lot of things many places and I got confused because what I needed was to get my man back and have kids together which I couldn't get . I saw what Nondu wrote about Dr.Majangwa helping her and decided to contact him .

 Dr told me that the mother of my husband's child had used muthi on me that we could fail to have kids together and finally the husband could leave me and go back to her which had already happened so I had to under go a special prayer in which that muthi could be destroyed and my my man could come back within 4 days I followed his procedures paid for the ritual I wanted to reverse the muthi to her but Dr.Majangwa told me as long as my husband comes back and am able to conceive I must forgive her and just enjoy my life with my husband Dr.Majangwa also advised me to continue loving the son of my husband and I really love him even I pay the school fees for him am two months pregnant and so happy to have my man back .
 I know it was because of the help I received from Dr.Majangwa that my man came back and am pregnant I can't wait to have my child too. Thanks Dr.Majangwa I know I paid but it is not worth of what I received may God bless you .Nisha 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

My #1 Getting Him Back. Want Your Ex Back? Request THIS Spell To Him …

Want Your Ex Back? Request THIS  Spell To Him …

You’ve just been through a terrible breakup.
All those feelings come flooding in: loneliness. Anxiety about the future. Sitting around wondering, “How did it all fall apart?”
The agony of a breakup is awful. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemies.
But sometimes pain is good.
It forces us to take pause. It forces us to re-evaluate. Like any great loss, it can actually help us put our lives in perspective and make it clear where to focus our energy next.

What about getting your ex back though? Is it possible?

Well … yes, it is … but let me warn you: It’s not for everyone.

For some couples though, getting back together after some time apart can be an incredible boost to creating a new, better relationship than before.
Maybe that’s you.  || Request the Spell Now

Take a deep breath… now let out a giant sigh of relief.

Together, we’re going to get your ex back – fast.

It hurts like hell, you feel like your life has been turned upside down, no one seems to understand what you’re going through and all you can think about is your ex.

But even though you feel powerless, the truth is you are actually IN CONTROL

YOU get to decide what happens next.

So who am I and why should you trust me to help you get your ex back?

Dr. MAJANGWA for all your life problems.Many times you have been Scammed by Psychics- Spell Casters with Little or No Results? Been Given False Promises and Unrealistic Goals for Your Lover to Return?Other so called magical practitioners and spell casters can never be compared to Dr. MAJANGWA.

Am the Master - SPECIALIST LOVE SPELLS-BLACK MAGIC-VOODOO EXPERT! Many have TRIED and FAILED over and over again and again in their casting work because they use WEAK!!! Methods such as: CANDLES-CRYSTALS-OILS-POWDERS-NIDDLES name it list is endless. They use Ancient and Sacred Methods along with Organic Ingredients that they do not even possess! Which makes their Spells-Voodoo- Black Magic, inaccurate and are TRULY unsuccessful.  

I Have an experience of successful casts and Healing for now 37 years with A Clean and Strong testimonies of many of  my people around the world that do believe in my work before and when i start performing on their different request in their aspects of life.

Call  or WhatsApp:+27617448985  Send me your most important desire and I shall work with my African Fast and Effective Ancient  Ancestral Powers favour to bring back that smile on your face.

Let’s stop your suffering today and take the next step together to get your ex back.Email me  now to get the steps you need to take to get him back fast...

 Read more ........

Want Your Ex Back? Say THIS To Him …